• Opening hours : Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 17:00


Israel or Gaza?

Israel or Gaza?

After Russia's invasion of Ukraine, we were faced with taking a position. Are you for Russia or for Ukraine? After the violence in Israel, we are again expected to take a stand. It reminds me of the corona days. Apparently, you always have to be for one and against the other. And as soon as you share your position, nay as soon as it is clear to the other where you stand, you are showered with jeers and malicious expressions.

19-10-2023 Klaartje 0


Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Klaartje van Eck-van der Meij and recently I was allowed to be part of the Tripolis Team. Even in this rather busy time, I received a warm welcome from everyone working at Tripolis.



My name is Jos Alma. I was born in Uden 44 years ago. I grew up in small Vorstenbosch and live in beautiful Veghel with my wife Aukje, daughter Emma, son Thomas, dog Bo and cat Kevin. A true Brabander, in other words.

Tax considerations for employee shareholdings
19-10-2023 Jenny 0

Tax considerations for employee shareholdings

Some months ago, Rob wrote in his column about employee participation and how it could contribute to the staff shortage. We believe that engaging and rewarding key employees contributes to a company's success and growth. Therefore, today a small in-depth look at some key tax concerns with employee shareholdings.

Home-based frontier workers
19-10-2023 Jenny 0

Home-based frontier workers

Since an unspecified pandemic, working from home has been embraced within our society. And while in my personal experience there is nothing more fun than working together in the office, a large part of our population works from home for one or more days. And yes as a working mother, it is sometimes convenient that you can work from home when there is another unexpected study day or your children are sick at times that are never convenient. But as long as you live and work in the same country, there is nothing wrong. Since 1 July this year, social security rules have changed for cross-border workers who work from home for an employer in another country.

Mortgage interest deduction
19-10-2023 Barbara 0

Mortgage interest deduction

Mortgage interest deduction regulations have become significantly more complex in recent years. One example is the interest deduction history for mortgages under old law -better known as the tax Existing Home Equity Debt, abbreviated BEWS-, which retains a lifelong impact.

19-10-2023 Tripolis 0


In the next issue of the Tripost, we will take you through the changes as of 01-01-2024 regarding the tax plan following the Miljoenennota of Prinsjesdag 2023.